As technology becomes more and more a part of our lives, we are more willing to do things online, whether it be shopping, ordering movie tickets or paying bills. That online convenience has even extended itself to finding a potential mate. Online dating is a growing industry, with one in 10 people saying they have used an online dating site or app, including 38% of single people who are actively looking for a partner. There are some definite advantages to using an online dating site.
One of the problems with dating is that it can be a lot of work. You first have to meet someone who might be a potential mate, which means you not only have to be around people, but you have to be in situations where seeking a potential date might be acceptable. Plus, you have no idea if the person you are interested in has any interest in dating. When you use an online dating site, however, you are finding people who also are looking to date, and you can have relative confidence that you are being matched with someone who has similar interests and characteristics.
Another issue with dating, especially for women, is safety. You may be wondering, is online dating safe? It’s at least as safe as meeting people in a bar or going on a blind date with someone you don’t know. Most dating websites go to great lengths to do at least some checking of backgrounds of the people using their sites, and they take safe dating online very seriously.
If you are very picky about what you want in a potential mate, online dating sites can be just what you need. Many sites let you customize the potential date you want with things like height, weight, skin color, religious beliefs and a number of other characteristics. It’s extremely difficult to get that kind of selectiveness in the regular dating pool.
These are just a few of the advantages of using an online dating site when trying to find a potential mate. If you are skeptical about how successful using a dating site can be, keep this fact in mind: Nearly one in four people who have used a dating website say they had a long-term relationship or wound up getting married to the person with whom they were matched.