Online dating has been part of contemporary culture since early on in the age of the internet. People register for dating sites, chat with potential partners, and sometimes, things work out for the best. Over half of all internet users agree that online dating allows people to find a better match for themselves, and with no pressure to meet in person right away, who wouldn’t?
Despite the positive reviews and experiences of dating websites, there are still people who glare and laugh when a friend says they want to try it, or they have been trying it. Online dating is nothing to sneer at, and it’s time to stop stigmatizing it! Over 23% of people who have tried online dating say they have met either a spouse or a long term partner during their experience.
However socially acceptable online dating may be, finding a safe dating site is crucial to any participant. People often use the internet as a mask to hide their true identity or to tell lies to the people they talk to, so using sketchy dating sites that come across your browser in little pop-up windows is never a good idea. Your best bet for online dating is to visit a verified website that has an established reputation. In some cases, higher end websites may even offer background checks on all of their users. This way, you can make sure that all of your potential partners have a clean past.
As with any dating you do, whether online or in person, safety should be your top priority. Secure online dating is commonplace, and every online dating site has some measure of security for its patrons. But the question remains, can you be successful when dating online?
Really, the answer is up to you. Today, one in 10 Americans are using or have used some form of internet dating site or dating app to meet people, and depending on their choices, personality, and goals, they can very well make it work! As with anything in life, you can’t judge online dating before you’ve tried it yourself. True, it’s not for everyone, but how will you know unless you step into that world?