Why Clothes Donations Are More Popular Than Ever Before

Who says you can’t be fashionable and frugal? Who says you can’t be stylish on a budget? Who says you can’t sleigh in second hand clothing and accessories? Who says you can’t look unique in used? Who makes the rules around here anyway? You do, remember that! Once a source of shame and embarrassment especially … [Read more…]

Is It Better to Live With Family or in a Senior Care Community?

Senior living options have not always had a lot in terms of variety. If an elderly person needed daily assistance, they might have moved in with one of their children or looked into retirement homes. One choice might lead to the senior feeling like a burden to their children and their family, especially if they … [Read more…]

Don’t Knock it Until You Try if First The Wide World of Online Dating

Online dating has been part of contemporary culture since early on in the age of the internet. People register for dating sites, chat with potential partners, and sometimes, things work out for the best. Over half of all internet users agree that online dating allows people to find a better match for themselves, and with … [Read more…]

Sleep Experts Say That Hitting the Snooze Button Could Be Good For Your Mental Health

Although the average American spends more than 3,000 hours lying in bed every year, almost half of us consistently report that we do not get enough sleep. Experts say that even people who do sleep for seven to eight hours per night may not be getting high-quality sleep. Conditions like sleep apnea can wake sufferers … [Read more…]

Sleep to Your Health The Best and Worst Sleep Positions and How They Affect Your Body

You might regard sleep as the cousin of death but guess what? There’s actually a whole lot your body is doing to keep you alive while you’re sound asleep. Sleep is a vital metabolic process that affects your body, state of mind, emotions, and your mood. Everyone knows the horrible feeling of waking up on … [Read more…]

Looking for a Ranch for Sale? Consider the Many Benefits of Attending Ranch Auctions

There seems to myth that ranching and agricultural production is on the decline, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, there has never been a better time to invest in your own ranch for sale, and these properties boast better ROIs than any stock or bond you could ever imagine. However, you … [Read more…]