There are so many textiles available for purchase across the country each and every year. This is one of the most commonly purchased kinds of items and can range from clothes to blankets, bed sheets, pillow covers, and even custom memory quilt. as a result, there is a huge market for people who want custom made quilts and more.
In 3400 B.C., experts believe that quilting was first created and the oldest quilt is the Tristan Quilt which was created in 1360. As a matter of fact, this can be traced back to ancient Egypt and China. There were three layers of fabrics stitched together to help keep the middle layer from slipping up or clumping up. These three layers of fabrics will include a top, a middle for warmth, and a backing as well!
Right now, data suggests that in 2014, quilting across the country is a nearly $4 billion industry. Now, customers have so many options in terms of what kind of quilts they want to buy and who they want to buy it from. As a result, finding the very best custom memory quilt is no easy process. So here are three key factors to consider when buying yourself a quilt
Dedicated Quilters exist all across the country and there are so many people that take time to work on quilts. As a matter of fact, a 2014 study revealed that more than 21 million people quilt across the country. Therefore, there are plenty of quilters that utilize different kinds of styles for their quilts. As a result, customers can find themselves a very personalized kind of custom memory quilt.
Just about 81% of all quilters are traditionalists, almost 38% believe in art quilting, and almost 35% of all quilters utilize modernized styles. Therefore, whatever kind of custom quilt you want, you can easily find. This even includes a custom t-shirt quilt and a custom tee shirt quilt as well. As result, customers should look at all of their options when trying to find the best custom quilt on the market!
A custom memory quilt is going to be stitched by hand unless you decide to buy it from a big-time, large-scale manufacturer. However, this is something that will be discussed in the next section. So make sure you take time to figure out where you want a quilt from and then you can focus on the craftsmanship.
There are five main hand stitches used by dedicated quilters across the globe. These include the French knot, lazy daisy, cross, satin, and an outline. It is highly recommended for customers to take time to really look into these styles to get the best possible product. Then, you can be as happy as possible with your custom memory quilt!
Company Production Or Homemade Production
According to a survey, any Dedicated Quilter has an impressive amount of supplies for their job. On average, a quilter will have just about $13,000 of just tools and supplies for their situation. Also, they will have a stash of fabric that is worth nearly $6,000. Also, a majority of them will also have a store or a studio in which they only will sew and quilt. Therefore, these types of hand quilters will provide a premier product. So customers should decide if they want a brand-name product or something from a particular type of quilter.
There are so many quilters across the country that will more than likely try to sell their products online. A survey has revealed that almost 14% of all homes across the country have at least one active quilter. As a matter of fact, customers are recommended to use sites like Etsy and more to try and find some good products. That way, they can then enjoy memory quilt patterns from great memory quilt makers.
In Conclusion
Customers should definitely take their time when trying to get the best custom memory quilt. There are so many options available that customers should not feel the need to rush. As a matter of fact, being patient and throughout is going to definitely give customers the very best custom memory quilt.