Every single year there are people across the United States that decide that they want to move. This move can come as the result of so many different factors. For instance, someone could be moving to college, for a job opportunity, a better location, or to potentially even start a family.
the process of moving is incredibly difficult and arduous and furthermore, it is also a very lengthy process. As a result, it is important for people to make sure that they make this process as easy as they possibly can. However, if you are already living in a residence and have to sell it when you move, then this process is going to be way more difficult.
If you are selling your home and looking for a new one, hiring a realtor is going to be a great help. A realtor can come in and will help you on both ends of this deal. A realtor will be able to get you a great price for your home that you are selling and will also help you find a great deal for the home that you are buying.
Right now just about 44% of home buyers looked online for properties. This is because looking for a property online is just as helpful as hiring a realtor. As a matter of fact, there are applications and websites that have been built to act as realtors to help find properties and deals for home buyers.
Only a talented realtor will understand the random factors that can alter the value of a home in the United States. For instance, the value of a home can be affected as much as 20% based on the quality of the school district. In March 2016, the average home sale price for a home in the U.S. was $186,000.
When you are looking for houses for sale, then understand it is going to be a lot different when renting. As a matter fact, there is some data that points to the idea that it is cheaper to buy a home as opposed to renting. Data released in 2016 has revealed that it is basically 38% cheaper to buy a home in a top 100 city in the United States as opposed to renting a property.
In 2015, there were 501,000 homes sold in the United States. Real-estate related Google searches increased 253% from 2009 to 2013. HGTV.com recommends that when selling your home to take 15% to 20% off what the home is worth.
A minor kitchen remodel has an average return on investment of 82.7%. The return on investment basically means that you are getting value for your home’s pricing when you invest money on a project. Typically, homeowners can get a 100% ROI on the money spent on a home’s curb appeal.
Bathroom additions offer an average of 86.4% ROI. Almost all of the millennial home buyers search online for homes compared to their predecessors. Nearly 52% of home buyers cited finding the right property as the most difficult part of buying a home.
In Conclusion
Across the country, there are people that decide they are going to move every single week. Some of these people will have great success in this complex process and others will fail. It is much easier to find and buy a new home if this is not your first time doing so. However, if you are looking for a new home for the first time, it may be worth your while to hire a talented realtor.