If you are familiar with shoji screens and doors, you know that they are very simple and low-key in appearance, but can add considerable ambiance to just about any room. It is actually the spareness of shoji screens to which many people attribute their appeal and charm. In fact, the simplicity of the basic construction of shoji screens makes it easy to learn how to make shoji screens for your own living space.
The subtlety of Japanese shoji screens can lend a classy and exotic mood to a variety of settings. Whether you are looking to decorate an office, bedroom, dining area, or apartments. In fact, shoji room dividers offer the ideal solution for residents of loft apartments who are looking to divide up large, open spaces. They are particularly useful for living situations that involve two or more roommates sharing living spaces in which greater privacy is needed.
While Japanese shoji room dividers are affordable, as mentioned above, a person can save money and have fun by learning how to make shoji screens. In order to make your own shoji screens you need to focus on constructing basic shoji panels. This requires you to purchase only a handful of basic products. Chief among these are the thin cedar slats and about 10 square feet of washi paper.
You can go online and find the specific dimensions for assembling the cedar slats into square cedar lattice or frames. Then you will cut the washi paper into the right size to attach inside your cedar frames. The instructions will demonstrate the best method for properly securing your finished shoji panels into an attractive and useful Japanese shoji screen.
Japanese shoji screens provide an easy and affordable way to spruce up any living space. Regardless of the type of house or apartment in which you live, there are plenty of shoji screen options that are perfect for your home.