At the time, the nautical clock purchase seemed pretty insignificant.
That simple buy, however, has had a pretty major impact on the day to day activities that go on in your home.
When you come down the stairs for your morning cup of coffee, out of habit you look at the nautical clock purchase that hangs on the wall facing your back yard. Even though the view from your window in the midwest is pretty bleak on the mornings in the middle of winter, those sweeping hands of the nautical clock help you flash back to the early mornings you spend at the vacation beach house sipping your first cup of coffee while you watch and listen to the waves. In fact, several times during the day when you look to the life preserver decoration that serves as the major time piece on the main floor, you constantly find yourself flashing back and forth between what is going on in your home at the time and comparing that activity to what you would be doing if you were back on the beach, resting on the sand, or wading through the waves.
Some nautical home decorations or mementoes from other special spots can help you remember your vacation or vacation home even when you are miles away. The great thing about making the decision to decorate your home with memories from your favorite location is that even on the dreariest days of winter you can remember your time in the sand in the sun. Likewise, when the heat and the humidity of the summer are getting old, decorations that help you remember your mountain chalet stay can help you revisit the cold, clear air of a downhill ski run.
With vacations often coming too few and too far between, it is no wonder that a number of Americans decide to recapture a favorite vacation, like an oceanside beach house in their homes. Unfortunately, only 20% of Americans indicate that their home decor makes them feel happy. Worse yet, 14% indicate that their home furnishings make them feel gloomy and stressed. Although vacations are often the highlights of the year for many families, the reality is that most of us have to spend the majority of our time back in our normal home. Making the decision to decorate with a nautical clock or some other piece of vacation memories can help you remember those more carefree hours of a vacation.
Do your decorating habits and tastes match those of the Americans interviewed for these surveys?
- Home owners use their decor to express their personalities and to create an environment that provides a relaxing setting that is both comfortable and appealing.
- Only 20% of Americans indicate that they are happy with their current home decor. Is it time for you to make a change or an upgrade to your main living spaces or your whole house.
- Most women, in fact, as many as 65%, would rather shop for home items than shoes; For men, this number is 58%.
- Estimates indicate that in the year 2010, more than 123 million people, which represents 39% of the nation’s population, lived in coastal shoreline counties. This may be one of the reasons that this kind of decor remains popular.
- Do you change your home interior designs very often. According to studies, 47% of Americans indicate that they have not updated their home decor in the last five years.
- Estimates indicate that the home decor market generates as much as $65.2 billion each year.
- Carpeting, other floor coverings, and color choices are often the most major decisions that home owners make when they begin the redecorating process. Making those choices to accompany nautical themes are often starting points that drive many other decisions.
- One small change can have a big impact. Bringing a large piece of nautical decor into a space can change the mood and appearance of an entire home.
- Redecorating costs can range from small inexpensive decisions to large and expansive changes that require major financial investments.
What time is it right now? Do you have a nautical themed time piece in your space helping you remember a relaxing day in the past that you spent on the beach?