There are plenty of differences that separate the top private schools from the top public schools. The top private schools will provide an experience that public schools cannot. Also, the top private schools will provide a different kind of education that is more focused on the individual student.
If you are one of the many parents that must make the difficult decision of where to send your kid to school, do not stress. While it is not the easiest decision to make, there is enough information available to help you make the right decision. Studies and surveys have been conducted by various organizations to help you make the decision. Here are some of facts about the top private schools.
As of right now, the top private schools in the nation comprise 24% of the nation’s schools and also enroll about 10% of all preschool through 12th grade students. This means that there are currently 30,861 private schools in the United States, serving about 5.3 students from grades preschool to 12th grade. If you are looking at the top private schools there will no shortage of high quality prospects for you to get involved with.
The top private schools will feature some of the top summer programs in the area as well. Some of these private school summer programs will involve programs that focus on ACT test results and will help your child take the ACT and do it well. Speaking of colleges, NCES data has revealed that about 80% of all private high school students will apply to college. This number can be compared only 57% of public school students that apply to college. Also, 98% of 12th-graders enrolled in private schools around October 1, 2010 graduated by the fall of 2011. Of the 305,842 private high school graduates in 2010?11, some 64 percent attended 4-year colleges by the fall of 2011.
A survey was conducted and asked parents if they were happy with the academic standards of the private school their child attends. 80% of the surveyed parents said that they were happy with the academic standards of said school. This is mostly due to the fact that the top private schools allow for their to be a stronger concentration on the individual student.
Most of the top private schools are small, and 86% of them have less than 300 students enrolled. Since the top private schools are smaller, they allow for each teacher to teach 12.5 student as opposed to teaching 15.4 in each public school. A Fraser Institute study was conducted in 2007 and it revealed that 91% of all parents believed the dedication of the teachers was their main reason for choosing private school. This same study revelealed that 72% of parents surveyed with children enrolled in top private schools believed that the school their children attended is safe.
In conclusion the top private schools have many advantages over public schools. On average, private high schools on average are less than half the size of public schools. Private schools have nearly 1.5 times as much of their enrollment in large cities compared to public schools. Make sure you understand what kind of school you are sending your child to. Make sure it is the right place, and the future will be great.