Your home is one of the defining aspects of your everyday life. It’s how you express the deepest aspects of your personality. It’s where you go to relax and let loose after a long day. It is, at its core, a place of safety and security. As you can imagine, a lot of time and thought goes into purchasing or renting a home. It’s not the same as getting a new shirt or even getting a car. It’s an entirely different ballpark. When you’re not sure just where this long and involving path is going to take you, seeking out the aid of realtors can take the bite out of a heady decision. From condos for sale to houses for sale, realtors can help every step of the way.
For those that are looking into homes for the very first time, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Everyone has to start somewhere, after all, and nobody knows this better than realtors do. Over 50% of home buyers in a recent study cited finding the right property as the most difficult aspect of buying a home, so it certainly doesn’t hurt to tally in what will trip you up the most as you go down this new and exciting path. Have you recently gotten married? Do you plan on having kids?
It’s all about asking the right questions so you can get the right answers.
Perhaps you’re a repeat buyer and you’re wondering how the market has changed since you last started looking. Technology has played a major part in how people interact with the real estate process, with real estate-related Google searches increasing an astonishing 250% in the timespan between 2009 to 2013. Additional studies have seen an average of 44% of home buyers choosing to look online for properties, rather than browse in-person.
Let’s get a few common misconceptions out of the way.
Some places are saying that the era of buying houses is over. Believe it or not, nearly 500,000 homes were sold in the United States back in 2015. The market for housing is looking pretty good! Studies have also shown it’s nearly 40% cheaper to buy a home than it is to rent when taking into account the top 100 cities in the country. Picking and choosing what’s right for you will be a personal journey. What works for one person might not work for another!
As for the rest?
For those that are thinking of selling in the future, keeping in mind your ROI will help immensely with staving off concerns about finances. Bathroom additions can offer you an impressive average ROI of 85%, while a minor kitchen remodel (such as adding a new cabinet or installing new floor tiles) can see an ROI of 80% or more. New buyers and expert buyers alike can stand to benefit from some useful touch-ups, both for themselves and those further down the line.
Feeling a little better about what to keep an eye out for when seeking out your homes? The market for houses, condos and homes for rent is only getting better by the day. More people are deeply appreciating the hard work and independence that comes with owning a home, particularly couples and those who want to raise their children in a supportive community. Realtors can help you go the extra mile and make sure no box is left unchecked on your way back home.