It was another eventful weekend.
The state lacrosse tournament was an exciting event. In the first year of having a club team at the local high school, your son and his teammates made it into the final game of the state competition. Unfortunately, however, your son did not actually play in that final game. After a twisted knee in the semi final game, your son refused to go get medical care. He knew that he would not be able to play in the final game, but he also knew that he did not want to miss being on the sidelines with his team because he was sitting in a doctor’s office or a hospital emergency room waiting area.
In the end, his team lost the final game, and had to settle for a second place state finish, but your son was glad that he was able to be there. When the final celebration was over, though, you were still faced with the reality of the situation. Your son needed to get some medical care. He had been dutifully icing the injured knee so the swelling had been contained, but now that it was 10:00 pm on a Sunday you were left with a limited number of choices. The hospital emergency room was an option, but you knew that would be an expensive choice. Your son said that he could wait until Monday morning and go visit the family’s primary care physician, but you anticipate that some scans will be necessary, and the doctor would need to send you somewhere else for those.
Is There a 24 Hour Emergency Clinic Near Me That I Can Afford?
Whether you are looking for relief from abdominal pain or trying to discover how to treat headaches, the urgent care setting is often the most affordable options. In fact, an urgent care-treatable case handled in a hospital emergency room costs an average of $2,039. The same case treated in an urgent care facility, however, would cost only $226. Given that nearly 44% to 65% of all ER episodes could have been treated in urgent care clinic settings, according to a private study conducted by Milliman, doesn’t it make sense to first consider the local urgent care clinic, rather than immediately dash off to the closest hospital emergency room?
Is There a 24 Hour Emergency Clinic Near Me That Has an Available Appointment?
Nearly all urgent care centers in the year 2014 operated seven days a week and were open at least four hours every day, including Saturdays and Sundays. The fact that 97% of these convenient clinics are open seven days a week, and that 99% are open at least four hours a day means that there are always walk in appointments available. In addition, urgent care clinics average seven exam or treatment rooms. The average number of patients seen in an hour in an urgent care setting is 4.5, according to the American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine. Although this number will vary on the acuity or severity of the patient’s conditions, the chances of getting an immediate appointment at a urgent care clinic are much better than in a hospital emergency room or a family physician’s office.
Is There a 24 Hour Emergency Clinic Near Me That Is Professionally Staffed?
Research indicates that America will be short more than 90,000 physicians by the year 2020 and 130,000 physicians by the year 2025, according to projections by the Association of American Medical Colleges. In a response to this research, a growing number of healthcare providers are looking at the platform of urgent care settings to meet this shortage. Already finding success, there are currently 20,000 physicians practicing Urgent Care Medicine today, and the number continues to grow. Urgent Care professionals have developed the Urgent Care Medicine platform into an important specialty that represents this growing field.
Is There a 24 Hour Emergency Clinic Near Me That Accepts Insurance?
A single physician or a group of physicians own approximately 50% of urgent care centers, meaning that these quick care providers are often linked to an area hospital or group of doctors. Just like those more traditional settings, the urgent care clinics also accept insurance plans and co-pay options.