An American adult today should keep track of not only all the possessions that they have, but the storage of those possessions too, for everything ranging from extra furniture or sports gear all the way to an entire car or RV, and boat storage options are sometimes limited to a nearby dock. Or rather, that is what some boat owners may think, but there are more boat storage options out there. Boats, RVs, trucks, and anything else can be placed in a self storage unit, and many thousands of self storage units can be found across the United States today. Such storage solutions offer boat storage options for those who do not wish to keep their boat tethered at a dock, and any item, big or small, can be put in the spaces of a self storage company nearby. This is a big industry, since many thousands of American households have need for storage beyond their own property, so it may be easier than one may think to find a self storage unit nearby to store nearly anything, even boat storage options.
The Self Storage Industry Today
Everyone owns stuff, to put it simply, and not everyone has the room at their house, apartment, or driveway to contain it all, but a person may not want to just give away their excess, valuable items. Instead, more and more Americans are choosing to use self storage, and this is a fairly recent trend. From 1995 to 2012, a 65% increase has been noted in how often Americans are renting their storage space, and this means that more and more are being built. Nearly 52,500 such units can be found across the United States today, from Vermont to Florida to California, and this means that a homeowner may never be far away from storage solutions for their excess items. This makes for a healthy industry that is expected to grow in the coming years: the American storage industry generates nearly $22 billion in revenue every single year, and it employs some 172,000 people. Combined, all these storage sites have square footage adding up to 2.3 billion square feet, both indoors and outdoors, for storing everything from boats to cars to sports gear to sentimental items. A person can certainly store some leftover desks, books, or computers in their self storage indoor unit. But what about boat storage options, or if someone has an RV they need to store somewhere safe?
Storing Bigger Items
Boat storage options should be open at most self storage facilities, and if a boat owner is looking for a place, he or she may look up local self storage facilities (there will probably be several), and refine the search so that those with RV and boat storage options are shown. Such storage facilities will have parking lots where cars, trucks, RVs, and boats on trailers can be deposited, and self storage sites should have secure fences all around their parking lots so that burglars or vandals cannot reach other people’s property. Boats at such storage sites may also have a tarp or other covers stretched over them to protect them from rain or hail or sun exposure, and if a boat is stored on dry land, it is safe from strong waves or other issues at a dock or body of water. Most boats come with a trailer for hauling it around on dry land, and a boat owner can use their truck, or borrow someone else’s, to drive the boat up to the storage site and leave it there safely.
Find the Site
Someone looking for self storage may want to make sure that they find a good place. Any worthwhile self storage site will have flexible hours for customers to visit to add or remove items, and a storage site open seven days a week may be preferred, and a person may want to find a site within convenient driving distance. Security is another issue, so that can be checked, too before renting a unit. Good security means a high wall or fence to keep criminals away from storage units or parking lots, as well as security cameras, combination code panels, or even armed guards on the premises.