Any parent with a toddler understands that sometimes it feels as if you are raising a teenager trapped in a toddler’s body. Especially if they are going through the terrible twos and have a penchant for toddler screaming tantrums. Dealing with terrible twos behavior doesn’t have to be stressful as long as you stay consistent in your discipline. So mom and dad, if you need some tips on how to discipline your child read on for some tips.
1. Know what sets them off
If your child is always fussy at the same time every day, pay attention to see if you can figure out exactly what they want. If it is mid afternoon, maybe they need a nap. Or if they are fussy after they wake up, give them a snack. Knowing their habits will keep the tantrums at bay.
2. Be preventative
Say you have a child who consistently likes to wreak terror on a bookshelf, color the walls with marker, or play with toilet paper, then simply remove these triggers from their reach. It will save you from incessant yelling, and the toddler will soon pick up on the fact that they are not allowed and will stay away.
3. Stay consistent
It is no secret that toddlers and tantrums go hand in hand. So in order for them to understand what they did was wrong, it is crucial to stay consistent with your discipline. If your reaction changes with the same punishment, your child will get confused and will not learn. Develop a regular punishment, and make sure to let your family members and your child care provider know the rules as well.
4. Do not show your emotions
At the end of the day, your child’s terrible twos behavior is meant to pull a reaction from you. So as funny as it may be to see your child terrorize their siblings, or how angry you may be if they refuse to eat their vegetables, it is never a good idea to show your emotions! This will only cause your child to continue the bad behavior, and not learn. Instead, use short phrases that tell the punishment of their bad actions, and they will be quick to catch on.